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Magnet & Magnetism

Theme Magnets and the forces of attraction Relevant Grades Class 6, 7, 8 & 9 Key Learning Objectives Define a magnet, magnetism and recognize its properties Define & identify natural and artificial magnets Identify magnetic and non-magnetic substances Session Duration… Continue Reading…


Waste and Its Segregation

Theme Become a waste segregation warrior Relevant Grades Class 6 to 7 Key Learning Objectives Understand the definition of the term waste and garbage Identify the various sources of waste around us Recognizing the types of waste and its components… Continue Reading…


Water and Its Importance

Theme Water – An elixir for sustenance and growth  Relevant Grades Class 7 to 8 Key Learning Objectives Identify the various states of water Exemplify knowledge on water depletion and its hazardous consequences Determine minimisation of wastage of water and… Continue Reading…