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Reflection & Blog
Conservation of Wildlife Animals
Theme Save them from poachers Relevant Grades Class 8 Key Learning Outcomes Recall forest as natural habitat of variety of flora and fauna. Identify different types of biodiversity conservation methods. Explain the threat to endemic fauna from activities like poaching,… Continue Reading…
Conservation of Aquatic Life
Theme Conservation of aquatic life Relevant Grades Class 8 Key Learning Outcomes Identify endangered marine species. Explain the various factors causing water pollution Discuss the methods of conservation of aquatic life. Session Duration 1 hours (Approximately) The Mission: In today’s… Continue Reading…
Water Conservation
Theme Water a precious resource Relevant Grades Class 8 Key Learning Objectives Identify three natural states of water. Understand the distribution of fresh water among the various water sources. Explain the role of water cycle in replenishing the water sources.… Continue Reading…